Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Budget Birthday Parties

So my little 2 year old had his birthday a few weeks ago. It is not the easiest thing trying to host a Birthday Party on a budget.

When I started I gave myself a $100 budget. I needed to feed everyone and get some decorations and a cake. I had nearly 30 people at his party.

So here is how I did it:

Instead of hiring anything I choose a local lovely park with free BBQ and great room for kids to play and a playground area, it also had a few large gazebo areas with tables and toilets. 'So location, tick'

When it came to food and 30 odd people my heart started speeding up in panic, so I decided on the most easiest thing that 90% of people like, Hot Dogs. Not only is it easy, it is cheap and not much mess, I also bought homebrand chips and lollies. I also got dips that were on special and homebrand crackers. When it came to the cake I spotted in Woolworths that they had little Disney design cakes, which were only $20. 
I knew the cake wasn't going to feed everyone so I also made my cupcakes. (You can see the cupcake recipe blog on my page) 

I also bought paper plates and napkins just the cheap ones. (No need for expensive ones if your just going to throw them out.) Food Tick.

When it came to decorations I grabbed some cheap table clothes from Red Dot and I went through my party container at home and found a few balloons, and a few other decorations. Decorations Tick.

So at the end of the day when I sat down and worked out everything, my total expense was $98. $2 under my budget. Not bad.. 

The kids all had a great day. We had some left over bread and sausages so we gave it to the local volunteer fire brigade that were doing some training nearby. They where so grateful they let little Devon & the other kids have a go with one of the small fire hoses. So we even scored some free entertainment.
 So at the end of the day I realised SIMPLE is better and more fun for all.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Money the worlds biggest drug problem.

Most of us have struggled financially once or twice in our lives. (I know I have.)

Money I feel is the cause to most of the worlds problems, as well as our own problems.
Over this year hubby and I have been on tough times struggling with money. I would be so worried and stress that I noticed my health was also starting to fail me.

A few months back I decided, that was it, I have had enough of the worries and stresses.
'Easier said then done, right.'
However, I fight my head everyday and I am starting to do better. I tell myself that I have to grin and bare it and I know I will slowly sort my financial issues out. One step at a time. The problem is I am also (like most of us) learning to be patients along the way.

But at the end of the day I will not give up and I am hoping that not only will I teach and maybe program my brain to look at money differently that maybe I can also help others.

So stick with me and follow my family on a journey of mixing old school and new school money survival ideas. Lets learn together and maybe we can help each other out.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Health Benefits of Lemon and some Handy tips for around the House

Lemons are fantastic for assisting in treating Throat Infections, Indigestion, Constipation, Obesity, High Blood Pressure and many more.
Lemons have many nourishing element like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Folate, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc and many more.
'What an impressive fruit'

Lemon Juice mixed with honey in warm water can assist with sore throats and can help in reducing body weight, if drank daily.

Lemon Juice can be used as an antiseptic and mixed with water can assist in with indigestion and constipation, this needs to be drank daily.

I use lemon oil and put it in my Air Purifier to help breathing at night if anyone in the family has a cold or flu.

So they are a few health tips for lemons below are some household tips.

I use lemon for a few things in my house.

One is I place some lemon oil on some cloth and tie it to my broom to clean the spiders and cobwebs away the spiders will stay away for months as they hate lemon.

I also use it from time to time in my wash to whiten and to use as an antiseptic (this is great when kids have been sick) plus is makes everything smell citrus.

I also dilute some of the juice to help with cuts and grazes. I dilute for the simple fact as it really really stings, (adults do not need it diluted only the kids)

Also a couple of times a year put lemon juice on a makeup remover pad and rub it on my face just to clear up all the grit and grim. Make your face feel much fresher.

Plus, it is are really refreshing drink when it is hot. A few ice blocks, cold water and a few slices of lemon is just lovely on those hot days as well as health for your insides.

So they are a few handy little tips and health benefits of lemons. So even more reason for you to try and grow a tree TODAY!! Good Luck!! 

Stay Tuned tomorrow is Lemon Cheesecake Day!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Pest and Diseases - Lemons

Like any fruit tree Lemons too can get sick. They are a few Pest and Diseases that can cause damage to lemon trees, however I will not bore you so I will tell you about two major ones.

The first is Leafminers, the name say it all, these little creature a larva of a small moth, it is commonly seen in backyard citrus trees. Usually appears around April or May. These small pains feed within the leaves by creating a silvery tunnel or Mines. They mainly attack the trees less then three years old. To get rid of them naturally your best option is to prune the leaves that are affected. Or use a Chemical insecticide.  

Next is the Mediterranean Fruit Fly.
This is a common pest on citrus all over the state, these little punks can be noticed in the fruit, you see they pierce a hole and lay eggs under the skin of the fruit, then maggots hatch from the eggs and tunnel into the fruit, this causes rotting within the fruit. Medfly are usually active from late spring, summer and autumn. Traps or baiting should be done regular if Medfly occur. I have added a link of how to make homemade traps and baits, the video is from the Department of Agriculture & Food WA.

You can also find more citrus Pest and Diseases at the Department of Agriculture & Food WA website.

See below some of the insect sprays you can use on citrus trees.

Coming up next Lemons Nutrient and Useful Tips & Tricks and of course my Simple Lemon Cheesecake Recipe. So stay TUNED!!

Zesty Lemons

I am a huge fan of Lemon Trees. They grow really well in Western Australia and a also very easy to grow.

This is my Lemonade Tree in my Veggie Patch.

We have a few fantastic varieties like Eureka (this is Australia's main lemon variety) others include Lisbon and Meyer. Of course, they are smaller varieties like Fino, Verna, Villa Franca and Yen Ben.
I personally own a Lemonade variety which I find fantastic you can literally pick the lemons of the tree and eat it like a orange or mandarin. Plus, it is super juicy.

DID YOU KNOW: citrus tree such as lemon is believed to originate from South East Asia. I was also surprise to read that as early as 1601, lemon juice was recognized as a  preventative of scurvy.

What I think is great about lemon trees is it only really needs attention maybe twice a year. So here are a few of my tips: I turn all the top soil over around my tree to make it nice and fluffy, I add some new soil and blood and bone and water it in, I only do this once a year mainly at the end of winter. When it comes to pruning I was told Winter is the best time, and to prune it into a Vase shape, this is done by pruning some NOT ALL of the middle branches out, this helps by opening up for more light and air into the tree which can reduce the risk of Disease.
(More of Pest and Disease coming in the next Blog)

Remember Lemons love water, however they do not like soggy feet. Their also love long sunny days, and walks along the beach. 'laugh' (last part was a joke).

If you decide to plant lemon trees in pots the same yearly jobs apply, so make sure their have good drainage, take the first inch of top soil out of the pot and replace with fresh new soil and mix in the blood and bone. Pruning is exactly the same. Pretty Simple RIGHT!!

At the end of the day I reckon everyone should have either a lemon tree on their block or in a pot. Not only do they produce fruit that can be used for many household things but, the tree itself is very ornamental with its glossy green leaves and its little white flowers and the beautiful yellow fruit it produces.

So this weekend pop down to your local nursery and pick yourself up a Lemon tree or two.

Pest and Disease blog coming soon along with Lemon Health and Tips and of course my Simple Lemon Cheesecake Recipe. So stay TUNED!!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

What's So Good about Potatoes.

Potatoes have been use for thousand of years as a staple in everyone household. So what is so great about POTATOES??

One Medium Potato skin on and baked is 110 calories and fat, sodium and cholesterol FREE. (that is a plain potato no toppings)

Potatoes are rich in many things like Potassium 18% of the recommend daily intake. Potassium help lower blood pressure. Vitamin C is another, Potatoes contain more vitamin c then tomatoes. Vitamin C helps support the bodies immune system.

Potatoes also have a small amount of fibre, this is known to help lower blood cholesterol. B6 is another vitamin that plays a important role in carbohydrate and protein with 10% of the recommend daily intake in potatoes.

Last but not least potatoes have 6% of your recommend daily intake of Iron in one medium size potato. Iron is know to help carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

So overall Potatoes are a fantastic staple crop to grow in the backyard.
Remember the information provided is of cooked plain potatoes.

So why not start growing this family food staple in your backyard today.

My last Potato blog coming soon, keep an eye out for my super easy Potato Bake Recipe.

Blight in Potatoes

Like most vegetables, Potatoes can also get sick from pest and disease, so today I am talking about the one that is the most serious in Potatoes as well as tomatoes.

Usually Blight occurs around summer time. You can spot Blight by brown blotches and white furry coating on the underside of the leaves. If not treated straightway it will quickly cause the stems and leaves to rot and you will lose your crop.

Blight is caused by fungi such as mildew, rusts and smuts.

INTERESTING FACT: Did you know that blight was a major cause for the 1840s European, 1845 Irish and 1846 Highland famines.

The best most organic disease control is to take hold of the affected plant and pull the entire plant gently out of the ground. DO NOT place the affected plant in the compost heap, best to burn all infected plants if able. DO NOT grow potatoes or tomatoes on that site for at least 3 years.

To reduce the risk of Blight use a copper fungicide when you notice symptoms. Most gardening centres stock Liquid Copper Fungicides, this Fungicide also helps not only Blight but also Leaf Spot, Downy Mildew and many more. Make sure to read all labels first.
Don't let this scare you off growing potatoes it is rare for it to happen in backyard veggie patches, just keep your eyes open and treat it early on so you don't lose your entire crop.

Good Luck my Gardening Friends. Happy Gardening.

Keep watch for my next blog, Nutrition in Potato Blog and my Potato Bake Recipe.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

It's all about POTATOES!

It is potato week at GreenFingers Homegrown.

Growing potatoes scare many people off, but I find them rather easy. How many vegetables do you know that are as easy as potatoes? Not many.

Potatoes were known for taking up lots of space in your veggie patch, but over the time people have created new systems for growing potatoes. Below you will see a few of these growing systems.

I do this system but in a rectangle.

Potatoes don't need a great deal of love, no pruning or much maintance is needed.  Mainly keep soil moist to keep growth steady & as new green leaves appear on the garden bed cover with dirt & hay or straw. Keep doing this right up to 15 weeks, then leave the new leaves growing. When the crop is ready the vine leaves turn a yellow & start to wither. 'Time for HARVEST'.

For varieties I have put a chart with just a few you can choose from below. I usually go for Dutch cream. If you have brought potatoes from the store & they have start to send roots out of the spud you can plant them too.

Potatoes are something people should try to grow not only are they a great food staple , but they do wonders with the soil. They are known to break up the ground & clean the beds up of weeds for future cultivation.

Plant near - peas, beans, cabbages.

Do not plant near - pumpkins, apple & cherry trees, cucumber, sunflower & tomatoes. 
If you plant near these your potatoes a susceptible to BLIGHT.

One more thing, potatoes hate frost so if you wish to grow them in winter plant under a tree or cover for protection, I believe in Western Australia we can grow potatoes all year round. So pop into your local gardening store & pick up your potato seeds TODAY!!

Keep checking in this week for more potato blogs.