Lemons have many nourishing element like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Folate, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc and many more.
'What an impressive fruit'
Lemon Juice mixed with honey in warm water can assist with sore throats and can help in reducing body weight, if drank daily.
Lemon Juice can be used as an antiseptic and mixed with water can assist in with indigestion and constipation, this needs to be drank daily.
I use lemon oil and put it in my Air Purifier to help breathing at night if anyone in the family has a cold or flu.
So they are a few health tips for lemons below are some household tips.
I use lemon for a few things in my house.
One is I place some lemon oil on some cloth and tie it to my broom to clean the spiders and cobwebs away the spiders will stay away for months as they hate lemon.
I also use it from time to time in my wash to whiten and to use as an antiseptic (this is great when kids have been sick) plus is makes everything smell citrus.
I also dilute some of the juice to help with cuts and grazes. I dilute for the simple fact as it really really stings, (adults do not need it diluted only the kids)
Also a couple of times a year put lemon juice on a makeup remover pad and rub it on my face just to clear up all the grit and grim. Make your face feel much fresher.
Plus, it is are really refreshing drink when it is hot. A few ice blocks, cold water and a few slices of lemon is just lovely on those hot days as well as health for your insides.
So they are a few handy little tips and health benefits of lemons. So even more reason for you to try and grow a tree TODAY!! Good Luck!!
Stay Tuned tomorrow is Lemon Cheesecake Day!!
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