Saturday, 16 April 2016

Blight in Potatoes

Like most vegetables, Potatoes can also get sick from pest and disease, so today I am talking about the one that is the most serious in Potatoes as well as tomatoes.

Usually Blight occurs around summer time. You can spot Blight by brown blotches and white furry coating on the underside of the leaves. If not treated straightway it will quickly cause the stems and leaves to rot and you will lose your crop.

Blight is caused by fungi such as mildew, rusts and smuts.

INTERESTING FACT: Did you know that blight was a major cause for the 1840s European, 1845 Irish and 1846 Highland famines.

The best most organic disease control is to take hold of the affected plant and pull the entire plant gently out of the ground. DO NOT place the affected plant in the compost heap, best to burn all infected plants if able. DO NOT grow potatoes or tomatoes on that site for at least 3 years.

To reduce the risk of Blight use a copper fungicide when you notice symptoms. Most gardening centres stock Liquid Copper Fungicides, this Fungicide also helps not only Blight but also Leaf Spot, Downy Mildew and many more. Make sure to read all labels first.
Don't let this scare you off growing potatoes it is rare for it to happen in backyard veggie patches, just keep your eyes open and treat it early on so you don't lose your entire crop.

Good Luck my Gardening Friends. Happy Gardening.

Keep watch for my next blog, Nutrition in Potato Blog and my Potato Bake Recipe.

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