Tuesday 26 April 2016

Pest and Diseases - Lemons

Like any fruit tree Lemons too can get sick. They are a few Pest and Diseases that can cause damage to lemon trees, however I will not bore you so I will tell you about two major ones.

The first is Leafminers, the name say it all, these little creature a larva of a small moth, it is commonly seen in backyard citrus trees. Usually appears around April or May. These small pains feed within the leaves by creating a silvery tunnel or Mines. They mainly attack the trees less then three years old. To get rid of them naturally your best option is to prune the leaves that are affected. Or use a Chemical insecticide.  

Next is the Mediterranean Fruit Fly.
This is a common pest on citrus all over the state, these little punks can be noticed in the fruit, you see they pierce a hole and lay eggs under the skin of the fruit, then maggots hatch from the eggs and tunnel into the fruit, this causes rotting within the fruit. Medfly are usually active from late spring, summer and autumn. Traps or baiting should be done regular if Medfly occur. I have added a link of how to make homemade traps and baits, the video is from the Department of Agriculture & Food WA. https://youtu.be/MMQ9-wcz7z0

You can also find more citrus Pest and Diseases at the Department of Agriculture & Food WA website. https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/

See below some of the insect sprays you can use on citrus trees.

Coming up next Lemons Nutrient and Useful Tips & Tricks and of course my Simple Lemon Cheesecake Recipe. So stay TUNED!!

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