Wednesday 21 September 2016

Budget Birthday Parties

So my little 2 year old had his birthday a few weeks ago. It is not the easiest thing trying to host a Birthday Party on a budget.

When I started I gave myself a $100 budget. I needed to feed everyone and get some decorations and a cake. I had nearly 30 people at his party.

So here is how I did it:

Instead of hiring anything I choose a local lovely park with free BBQ and great room for kids to play and a playground area, it also had a few large gazebo areas with tables and toilets. 'So location, tick'

When it came to food and 30 odd people my heart started speeding up in panic, so I decided on the most easiest thing that 90% of people like, Hot Dogs. Not only is it easy, it is cheap and not much mess, I also bought homebrand chips and lollies. I also got dips that were on special and homebrand crackers. When it came to the cake I spotted in Woolworths that they had little Disney design cakes, which were only $20. 
I knew the cake wasn't going to feed everyone so I also made my cupcakes. (You can see the cupcake recipe blog on my page) 

I also bought paper plates and napkins just the cheap ones. (No need for expensive ones if your just going to throw them out.) Food Tick.

When it came to decorations I grabbed some cheap table clothes from Red Dot and I went through my party container at home and found a few balloons, and a few other decorations. Decorations Tick.

So at the end of the day when I sat down and worked out everything, my total expense was $98. $2 under my budget. Not bad.. 

The kids all had a great day. We had some left over bread and sausages so we gave it to the local volunteer fire brigade that were doing some training nearby. They where so grateful they let little Devon & the other kids have a go with one of the small fire hoses. So we even scored some free entertainment.
 So at the end of the day I realised SIMPLE is better and more fun for all.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


Money the worlds biggest drug problem.

Most of us have struggled financially once or twice in our lives. (I know I have.)

Money I feel is the cause to most of the worlds problems, as well as our own problems.
Over this year hubby and I have been on tough times struggling with money. I would be so worried and stress that I noticed my health was also starting to fail me.

A few months back I decided, that was it, I have had enough of the worries and stresses.
'Easier said then done, right.'
However, I fight my head everyday and I am starting to do better. I tell myself that I have to grin and bare it and I know I will slowly sort my financial issues out. One step at a time. The problem is I am also (like most of us) learning to be patients along the way.

But at the end of the day I will not give up and I am hoping that not only will I teach and maybe program my brain to look at money differently that maybe I can also help others.

So stick with me and follow my family on a journey of mixing old school and new school money survival ideas. Lets learn together and maybe we can help each other out.